Lord Cheese

CRank: 5Score: 10100

heres the deal - if it releases in Q3 - you have to eat the horse without cooking it, including its private parts.

If it releases in Q4, you can cook it, and you can get rid of the less desirable parts of its anatomy.

And if it releases in Q2 by surprise...well, i'm afraid you'll have to sleep with the horse before eating it.

Sorry, thats the terms of the deal. Take it or leave it.

6115d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

has anyone ever heard of the phrase "plagarism is the most sincere form of flattery"?

6115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to be fair, i think its just the xbabies doing precisely what the ps3tards do when a piece of news is just tagged for the 360. Fanboys are all the same - can't keep their deformed noses out of news that doesnt concern them.

Its like the middle of some sort of peace process here - we need someone to sign some sort of cease fire. Trouble is the nutty paramilitaries like TheMart, Mesh1, Tanod, Shmee, HarryETubeMan etc will keep the war going and hurting the innocents...

6115d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

damn well said Darkknight - these people are like a terrorist cell. They sit and wait in the shadows then pop out firing verbal diarrohea at people like napalm. I cant comment what "Geniune" might have said (but given its been reported as spam, its hardly going to be positive) but the ps3tards response has been shocking. If only the admins would ban people like HarryEtTubMan, Tanod, DarkSniper, TheMart, Zhuk etc, (probably all the same person, suffering from split personality disord...

6115d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

am i missing something, or surely when people click "disagree" they are just saying they disagree with the opinion being put forward? So is there any reason for any of the retaliatory insults?

I for one think the viz is great, but its hardly life changing, is it?

6116d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

this is the most utterly pointless top 10 in history. Its just there so a load of sony fand!icks can shout about uncharted again.

ITS JUST WATER!!!! I'm sorry, but if you're that desperate to make a big deal about a game, surely you can come up with something better than that!

6117d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Are you for real? or just trying to get a rise out of the xbots? Because that is an utterly ridiculous comment.

If you actually believe that sony wouldnt charge people for Home in a second if they thought it would be accepted by the gaming community, then you are hopelessly naive.

Unless sony have decided to shed the shackles of capitalism and become some sort of charity, and it just hasnt been announced, please dont make out that they are some sort of caring sh...

6118d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i've got pes 2008 on my 360, and fifa on my ps3, and pes is far more arcadey now in my opinion. Fifa is now more of an attritional game - the defenses are very solid and hard to break down, even though neat passing undoes them a bit too easily. The football in fifa just isnt fluid - in pro evo you feel stringing some passes together is attractive football - in fifa its very stuttery - the runs players make arent that great so you're playing to feet too much. Fifa, in my view has lost its &quo...

6118d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

there wont be any good to come of it. Its just organised fanboyism no matter which way you look at it and its just being used as a way to subvert the bubble system on n4g and allow for stupid fanboy posts to further ruin the site.

If there was a way by the rules this could be banned i would ensure this happened. I would do exactly the same if any 360 owners did anything similar.

6118d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

this is a genuine inquiry, not a post intended to start a flamewar - what is Home going to give people above and beyond what live gives on the 360?

I'm not saying Home wont be better than what live provides, it could be massively better, but from what i understand, its going to provide:

- Trophy room of some sort = Achievements
- Video store = Xbox live market place
- Chat = Live has it
- Video arcade = xbla
- Custom avatars etc = no e...

6118d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

oh dear. poor little fanboy. go back to your playpen. Theres a good moron.

6120d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

lord cheese thinks dark sniper should stop trolling.

6120d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment

shmee, you are quite frankly an utter knob.

6120d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've never had a ps3 and never played uncharted....riiight. So i just invented a psn tag for a laugh? Oh, ok. Thats exactly the kind of response i'd expect from a fanboy moron such as yourself. The trouble with fanboys is that any sort of reasoned argument just meets with incomprehensible nonsense, so quite frankly i dont see the point arguing.

I'm off to play UT3 on my ps3 now. But if what you're saying is accurate (and lets face it, the liklihood of a fanboy prat such as your...

6120d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i feel about haze the same way i felt about timeshift - its a fairly standard looking fps with a couple of little quirks to keep it interesting (nectar and time-shifting respectively), basically - meh. Not saying its going to be a bad game, timesplitters was top notch so it could be brilliant, but it doesnt seem to have much to make it stand out.

To be honest, i think the fps genre is going a bit stale. Even though COD4, Halo 3 and UT3 are good games, they havent added anything...

6121d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

tanod, i know you're one of those fanboy types, so i know my comments arent going to be particularly welcome, but i'm still not impressed by the ps3 library, and i'm pretty sure there are a fair number of others arent either. In the last few weeks i've picked up uncharted and UT3, and quite frankly i can say nothing more than "meh". They look good, no doubt, but they just lack something. Uncharted is entertaining for a while but becomes samey, and UT3 is basically UT2004 for the pc ...

6121d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

sorry mate, sensible conversations aren't permitted on N4F (News 4 Fanbois).

6121d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i prefer halo 3 to cod 4, mainly because of the fun factor - cod 4 has a more athmospheric single player game, but its so damn short..

Halo 3 multiplayer is just a superb laff to play. The pacing is perfect, the game modes nice and varied, the maps ranging from nasty claustrophic death-fests (foundry anyone) to huge vehichle based fun (sandtrap - by far my favorite) and there are always tonnes of people around to get a game with.

Fact is, when people b!tch about...

6121d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i've yet to try any remote play features between my ps3 and psp - for some reason i cant get my ps3 accessible externally, even when i stick it in a dmz. I'm such a n00b! :O)

6122d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

give them time. Like most parisitic organisms, the minute the defenses drop slightly, they'll descend and attemp to devour everything they come in contact with...

6122d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment